We FINANCE smallholder capacity building, farm transition and infrastructure development.
We SUPPORT farmer cooperative development, capacity building, farm transition and the building of local processing, aggregation and logistics infrastructure.
We DEVELOP local and global markets for diverse regenerative products in multiple sectors and industries.
We VERIFY the regenerative outcomes associated with production and processing to meet marketing and compliance requirements.
Origins.coop was born in 2024 as a cooperative venture between the Wanakaset Symbiosis Network and Terra Genesis to provide catalytic capital and develop infrastructure to support smallholder rubber farmers to transition to regenerative agriculture, establish data collection networks and access equitable markets for regenerative agriculture goods and outcome data.
As a platform cooperative, Origins.coop extends the use of cooperative principles into the digital arena to include novel infrastructure, institutions and instruments for financing and coordinating community led regeneration of landscapes and the sale of diverse agricultural goods.
Wanakaset (วนเกษตร), combines “Wana” (forest) and “Kaset” (agriculture) and refers to an integrated, regenerative philosophy of farming, a network of practitioners, and form of agroforestry indigenous to Thailand that emphasizes harmony between agricultural systems and natural forest ecosystems.
We support a network of smallholder farmer cooperatives in southern Thailand to develop a watershed scale regenerative rubber initiative and to create longterm market partnerships with mission-oriented buyers.